My name is Dr. Rand McClain, and I’m a physician based in Los Angeles, California.

And I’ve dedicated my life to helping people from all over the world live long, vibrant and healthy lives… And lately, I’ve been focused on what I consider to be the most important question in all of health...

Ready? Here goes:

Why does virtually every diet fail?

Now, It’s not because the people on these diets don't stick to them... in fact, some of those diets wouldn't work no matter how long someone stayed on them.[1][2]

Give up?

The answer is because most so-called “fitness” and “diet” experts know absolutely NOTHING about actual human biology.

Look, while many of these folks mean well, they just don’t understand how the body works on a cellular level.

For example, have you ever seen a product advertised that claims to “eliminate fat cells?”

Sounds great, there’s only one problem:

As a doctor who specializes in cellular health, I can tell you it is impossible for adults to eliminate fat cells.[3]

You see, starting around age 20, we have virtually the exact same number of fat cells the rest of our lives. This number is programmed into our body during childhood, and the number never changes.

The actual reason people gain fat mass (commonly referred to as “weight”) is because these fat cells get BIGGER.[4]

When fat cells get bigger, it not only alters a person’s appearance, it can have major health consequences[5]... and because I’m passionate about helping people from all walks of life look and feel amazing...

I want to share with you one form of fat that can be particularly dangerous if left untreated[6]...

Its name? “Deep Fat

“Deep Fat” is the fat that builds up under the skin and around the organs.

And sometimes shows up around our waistlines as well…

Fortunately, there’s been a MASSIVE scientific discovery that could forever change the way we fight deep fat...

A new enzyme has recently been discovered that not only STOPS the build-up of “deep fat” – it also converts this deep fat into ENERGY.[7]

Amazing right?

By activating this one specific enzyme in the cell — people can get a faster metabolism, more energy, and decreased body fat…all of which are directly correlated to a longer lifespan[8]

And the most incredible thing is that clinical trials show it’s not just possible…it actually works.[9]

This “Cellular Secret” is going to change everything we know about weight management and longevity….

And that’s why I’ve made this website....

Because, I’m going to tell you exactly how the cellular secret works, and how some lucky people are already using it.

This is very important for anyone who has noticed dangerous fat building up around their belly, and wants to stay healthy for themselves and their family…

I’m also going to shatter 3 WEIGHT LOSS MYTHS that almost EVERYONE believes…even though they are 100% FALSE

If you’ve ever tried ANY food diet, you most likely were given a piece of advice that not only didn’t help you get your ideal body shape…it may have done more harm than good…

And when it comes to exercise…well, that’s the source of the biggest myth OF ALL.

I’m going to tell you the secret truth about all THREE of these weight loss myths…

But before I reveal the secret truth about fat, let me tell you who I am and why this is so important to me.

My name is Dr. Rand McClain. I’m considered by some as one of the top regenerative medicine doctors in Los Angeles.

My patients include many professional athletes and high net- worth individuals…people you know by name.

But the reason everyone is talking about this breakthrough is because I am NOT a “weight loss” expert...and I don’t claim to be!

It’s true that I’ve worked with many celebrities, helping them achieve the body and the appearance they need to look their best and have long, successful careers.

However, this is NOT a weight loss website…in fact, I can’t stand weight loss websites!

Some of those sites and videos make my job more difficult because they are so misleading. They are made by people – sometimes very nice, well-meaning people – who just don’t have any education in biological health. And they give advice that is NOT backed up by science.

So no, I’m not a weight loss guru. What I am is a serious doctor who cares about helping my patients get stronger, more fit, and live longer. And I do this using cutting-edge therapies and proven science.

Now, can eliminating deep fat make my patients look better? Yes, sometimes dramatically so. But that is not my primary goal.

My goal is helping people live healthier and longer. And last year, I discovered a path to accomplish this in a way nobody else had EVER attempted.

Not with more diet or exercise, but by fighting deep fat on the cellular level.

And I’m going to tell you my “cellular secret” ...because it’s a secret ANYBODY can use, and you can do it right from your own home.

Again, I want to make clear…this is not a “weight loss tip”. There will be no exercise tips or diet ideas. I’m not trying to sell you a set of DVDs you’ll never watch, or a book on time- consuming recipes you’ll never read.

I won’t tell you “5 foods that burn fat” or “one special exercise” to get slim. Again, in my medical opinion, that’s all hogwash.

There is only one way to attack dangerous deep fat on the cellular level. And when I discovered what that secret was, it changed everything.

But the biggest surprise came when my partners and I discovered a way to activate this cellular “switch” without the need for doctors, surgeries, or injections…the secret turned out to be something anybody can do, and it takes less than 2 minutes a day.

In my medical opinion, this one thing might be the most innovative – method for eliminating body fat.

As this message spreads, several of my colleagues have asked me: Why are you on a mission to get this secret to the public?

To me, the answer is simple.

At this point in our careers, we’ve been very blessed with a great deal of success, and our clients include some very affluent folks… people who can afford expensive therapies.

But our goal has always been to improve the health and longevity of ALL Americans, not just the very rich

Now, thanks to this new discovery...that day is here.

That’s why we made this website….to spread news of this new technique to everyone in America who has been frustrated by countless fad diets that don’t work for them.

And to help the millions of people who just want to get healthy and live longer, for themselves and for their loved ones.

Deep fat, in my opinion and that of other doctors and medical researchers, is one of the most DEADLY threats to the health of Americans. And given what I know about fighting it, I consider it my medical duty to share this knowledge with every single person I can.

But to understand how this “cellular secret” works, I first need to shatter 3 myths about weight and health.

WARNING: What you’re about to discover goes against conventional wisdom…

This is because some people are furious that my partners and I (doctors who were never involved in the weight loss industry before) – have jumped into the fray and SHATTERED the false myths that people have been force fed for years.

Think about all the people who have a stranglehold on the diet industry: The TV health gurus …the book and magazine publishers…the exercise video producers…and most importantly, the so-called “health food” corporations…

For the last 30 years, these so-called “diet experts” have had a monopoly on giving advice to Americans about weight and health.

And what have they accomplished?

In the last 30 years, the obesity rate has SKYROCKETED.[10]

A staggering 69% of American adults are now considered overweight.

How is this possible?

Well, here’s the unfortunate but truthful answer: Some of this “diet advice” hasn’t just been bad…it’s been HORRIBLE.

It’s really upsetting because people who just want to get healthy, so they can live a long, happy life with the loved ones who rely on them are being fed the wrong information

If you’ve ever gotten bad diet advice, you know how frustrating it can be.

Well I’m here to tell you…
millions of people have struggled with these diets and poor advice, and it was NOT their fault.

And giving up on good health, giving up on being happy and confident, and giving up on our loved ones? As a doctor I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen!

That’s why this discovery is so important…the incredible information we’re about to share is based on new, cutting- edge science, not old ideas that were disproven years ago.

And this method works specifically because of how radically different it is than ANYTHING people have tried before.

If you care about looking better, feeling healthier, and living longer, you need to keep reading.

So let’s not wait any longer.

These are the 3 Secret Truths About Weight.

It is virtually impossible to “eliminate” fat cells

I said it before, but it’s so important, I need to correct this myth once and for all:

Most excess fat is stored in what are known as “white fat cells.” And most people have the exact same number of white fat cells their entire adult life, no matter WHAT they do.[11][12]

This “fat cell number” is formed in childhood and adolescence, and it’s determined by our genetics and how much we eat as a child. Anybody who tells you you can “eliminate fat cells” as an adult knows nothing about science.

We know this is true due to a number of studies, most importantly the incredible work conducted by Dr. Kirsten Spaulding of the world-renowned Karolinska Institute in Sweden.[13]

Here, a team of international researchers hoping to better understand the obesity epidemic began carefully studying fat…on the cellular level.

What they discovered was a game changer in our understanding of fat.

They analyzed the fat cells of 687 adults, teens, and children…some of the people were lean, some were obese.

What they learned is that while young people do experience increases in the amount of fat cells they have…

In adulthood, the fat cell counts level off…they never change. Even if people gain or lose weight.

But here was the most amazing finding of the study…

Spalding studied the fatty tissue of 20 people before and after they went through bariatric weight loss surgeries…such as lap band, or stomach stapling.

These people had lost an average of over 120 pounds…but even so, they still had the same number of fat cells a year after the operation![14]

How is that possible? Because researchers found the fat cells had decreased in SIZE, by about a third.[15]

In other words, even if someone happens to lose a MASSIVE amount of fat…it is only the size of the fat cells that changes, not the number.

Why is this important? Because as these fat cells grow bigger, and bigger…a person’s health can be seriously endangered. Our only hope is to attack the size of these fat deposits…at the cellular level.[16]

According to Dr. Lester Salans, an obesity researcher and emeritus professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York:
“This is a new way of looking at obesity.”[17]

And Dr. Jeffery S. Flier, an obesity researcher and dean of Harvard Medical School, said this new research is so important, it means:
“There is a system waiting to be discovered.”[18]

- Dr. Jeffery S. Flier
Dean of Harvard Medical School

Now, get ready for another news flash about fat:

Eating Nutritious food instead of junk food makes almost NO DIFFERENCE in whether people gain or lose weight.[19]

I know…it’s hard to believe.

All our lives we’ve heard vegetables will help lose weight, and fast food makes people gain weight.

Well here’s what has been, and always will be the truth:
Vegetables are much better than fast food…they’re packed with vitamins and nutrients the body needs.

And fast food is packed mostly with sugar and salt, which can cause various problems when eaten in excess.

But when it comes to the goal of simply losing fat?

Nutritional value is NOT the difference.

Let me explain: The main method of losing fat through dieting is by reducing calories absorbed and stored in fat cells.[20]

If someone cuts 200 calories a day from their diet, I can guarantee they will lose weight…it’s simple physiology. And they won’t have those extra calories to convert into fat.

Now, 200 calories of celery are not exactly the same as 200 calories of a cheeseburger in terms of nutrition. And there is some difference in the way they are deposited in our cells.[21]

But calories are calories, and an excess causes them to be deposited as fat.

To the human body, the source of the EXCESS calories makes NO difference!

If that seems crazy, just think of this old riddle: What weighs more, 100 pounds of feathers or 100 pounds of rocks?

They both weigh the same…100 pounds!

You just need a lot more feathers to get to 100 pounds.

Well, it works the same with calories. Just look at the pictures below and tell me: Which plate contains more calories of food?

The answer? They have the EXACT SAME amount of calories…
exactly 200 calories each.[22]

But you can eat a lot more celery to get 200 calories than cheeseburgers!

This amazing concept was proven in a now famous example called the “Twinkie Diet.”[23]

You see, Mark Haub, a professor of nutrition at Kansas State University, was explaining this “calories in/calories out” fact to his students.

But one student didn’t believe him. So, he decided to put this theory to the test.

Mark stopped eating his normal healthy diet of lean meats, whole grains, and vegetables…and instead ate only Hostess and Little Debbie snacks, Doritos chips, sugary cereals, and Oreo cookies….for 10 weeks.

BUT…he also lowered his total calorie count. Instead of eating 2600 calories a day of healthy foods, he now ate 1800 calories of junk food.

The result?

Mark lost 27 pounds…in 10 weeks…eating nothing but JUNK![24]

Some people were shocked by this outcome. But to doctors who understand how human cells work, this was not unexpected.

Now, was Mark’s diet a good idea? No it wasn’t. He lost weight, but if all you eat is cookies and cakes, you’ll feel hungry all the time. Your body also needs better protein, nutrients, and minerals to prevent serious illness.

And there’s one thing sugar does that is HORRIBLE for our cells…
and I’m going to tell you about it in a minute.

Because it directly relates to the massive discovery I told you about earlier, the discovery that has changed forever the way I look at human health.

But before I tell you about it, I need to shatter what is probably the biggest weight loss myth of all…

Exercise alone has almost NO IMPACT on weight loss.[25]

But wait…don’t people who exercise have slimmer bodies?

Yes, sometimes…but again, aside from the type of exercise, it still all comes down to calories and how and where they are absorbed.

Let’s start with the basics…30 minutes of certain types of exercise can burn about 300 calories stored in an average person’s fat cells.[26]

Okay, so far so good. But after a half hour of exercise, we’ll probably be a little hungry. Let’s say we eat a low-fat bran muffin…a very “healthy” snack.

Do you know how many calories can be in your typical bran muffin? 305.[27]

So if we worked out for 30 minutes, then ate a small muffin...
We just added 5 calories to our day!

And if we also have a sports drink? Now we’ve added 195 calories.[28]

How about skipping the muffin and sports drink, and just having a Caesar salad?

That’s has a whopping 890 calories. That means that even if we work out for a FULL HOUR before our salad – which burns 600 calories – we’ll still end up with 290 MORE calories than if we had just skipped the salad and 1 hour workout![29]

As you can see, unless someone is an Olympic athlete like Michael Phelps – who burns a whopping 12,000 calories a day with intense swimming workouts[30]– it is very difficult to use exercise alone to lose fat.

And don’t ever believe the calorie counts on the exercise equipment at the gym… some of those machines exaggerate the calorie-burning totals on the screen just to make their machines more popular.

As a doctor, I can tell you those digital “calorie totals” are remarkably imprecise given the wide range of factors involved in determining your caloric output.[31]

Now, exercise is very important. It has been linked to improved health, reduced risk of disease, and even lowers your risk of dementia.[32]

But a fat loss staple?

According to Dr. Eric Ravussin, professor at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana:
“In general, exercise by itself is pretty useless for weight loss.”[33]

And Dr. Todd Miller, a professor in the Department of Exercise Science at George Washington University said:
“People don’t understand that it is very difficult to exercise enough to lose weight. If that is why you are doing it, you are going to fail”.[34]

As you can see, the scientific evidence is clear:

Much of the conventional wisdom about weight loss is just plain wrong.

Sure, some people DO manage to lose fat over time…but they’re doing the things I described above in conjunction with exercise.

They’re cutting a LARGE amount of calories out of their diet…which many of us find very difficult to do without being really hungry all the time.

Or they exercise rigorously, for an hour or more, 5-6 days a week. But this is a massive time commitment that many folks -- myself included -- just can’t do. Especially if you’re juggling work, family, and other obligations.

It’s no wonder that more and more Americans are GAINING fat, each and every year.[35]

Well, with terrible fat loss advice being the “norm” in our society, I decided to do what nobody else has focused on before…and attack fat loss on the cellular level.

This meant pouring over decades of research, trying to find out if a “cellular solution” existed that could help people fight fat gain…particularly in the belly, where dreaded “deep fat” builds up.

And my research led me to one place…to a specific enzyme inside our cells.

This enzyme is totally unique – some people are even calling it the “longevity enzyme.” And the incredible enzyme everyone is talking about is called AMP-activated protein kinase, or


AMPK is found in every cell in our bodies. It acts like an “on/off” switch. When it’s on, it tells the body to convert fat into energy and repair damaged cells. When it’s off, it tells the body to stop consuming energy and store fat.[36][37]

This is very important.

You see, when the body stores too much fat inside each cell, it can lead to obesity, and many related causes of death including diabetes, heart disease, and even premature aging.[38]

And a failure to repair damaged cells can lead to dangerous mutations, including cancer.[39]

Because it is believed that more activated AMPK can help prevent all these things, it’s sometimes called the “master switch” which controls all aging in the body.[40]

So why would our bodies ever turn our AMPK “off”?

Well, when we’re young, we have plenty of AMPK activation.[41]

In fact, thanks to researchers at Wake Forest University, we now know that this AMPK activation is directly related to “…protection against obesity, inflammation, and insulin resistance.”

--Wake Forest University, School of Medicine[42]

This low inflammation means kids rarely get sore joints, back pain, and aching muscles. When we’re young, the AMPK enzymes are cranking out energy for our bodies to use.[43]

But as we get older, AMPK levels decline.[44]

If you think the decline is because we’re deficient in something, think again. Because the truth is AMPK decline is linked to getting an excess of something, and in America, it’s very common:


That’s right…AMPK declines because our typical American diet forces TOO MUCH JUNK into our cells.[46][47]

This process is called “nutritional overload.”[48][49]

Here’s a good way to understand how this nutritional overload impacts a person's cell:

Imagine a person laying in bed all day, every day, and someone keeps bringing them food.

Eventually, their body will stop functioning properly. Their muscles will get weak and they’ll gain way too much fat.

Well, it turns out our cells work the same way. According to Dr. Coughlan at world famous Boston University Medical School:

When cells are overfed, the AMPK enzymes can’t remove all the junk fast enough. So the cells lose function…and AMPK declines.[50]

In fact, reduced AMPK signaling has been linked to ALL of the following:

It turns out that declining AMPK is HORRIBLE for cells in the human body…and, as I previously mentioned can lead to multiple serious ailments

But…there is some VERY good news that goes along with this.

Because new research has shown the reverse is also true…elevated AMPK activation can have PROFOUND benefits…not just for a healthy body weight, but for actually LIVING LONGER.[66]

In fact, listen to the incredible study conducted a few years ago at UCLA’s Molecular Institute of Biology…one of the top 5 research labs in the entire world.

And it was here that UCLA Professor David Walker did something groundbreaking.

He activated this special AMPK enzyme in fruit flies, which researchers use in virtually all life-extension experiments.

Because it is VERY difficult to improve lifespan in fruit flies.

What happened when Dr. Walker activated the AMPK gene in fruit flies?

AMPK-activated fruit flies lived for 8 weeks...over 30% longer than normal.

He repeated the test over and over, blown away by the results. In fact, he activated AMPK in over 100,000 flies.

They kept living longer...30% longer than normal flies.[67]

Separate studies on mice produced even greater results…mice taking an AMPK activator lived 39% longer than normal mice. Not only that, they were far healthier and had better body weight![68][69]

But it gets more interesting. Because next, researchers started looking at the effects of AMPK drugs on humans. And what they found was shocking.

Last year, British researchers at Cardiff University realized that certain diabetes drugs may work by activating AMPK.[70]

So these researchers looked at a MASSIVE amount of data on diabetic patients…more than 180,000 people over the course of 10 years.

They found that diabetes patients being treated with one “AMPK Activator” not only lived longer than other diabetic patients…
but also lived longer than the healthy control sample!

You read that right...when diabetics took this AMPK activator, they lived 15% longer than healthy non-diabetics![71][72]

What that means is: AMPK activation is not only useful to treat diabetes, it may be useful as a lifespan and healthspan extender for ALL people.

According to Dr. Jay Olshansky, of the University of Chicago:
“If we can slow aging in humans, even by just a little bit it would be monumental. People could be older, and feel young.”
“This would be one of the most important medical interventions in the modern era.”

The data is clear: AMPK activation could be the ultimate key to not just combating body fat, but actually improving quality of life and increasing human longevity…which are my primary goals as a doctor.

In fact, the proof of AMPK activation is so compelling, this year something truly extraordinary happened:

The FDA has commissioned a massive, 5-year study called TAME, which will study the health and longevity benefits of one of these AMPK-activators.[73]

This study I feel -- and I am not alone – is going to be the study that finally “breaks through” the barrier and proves, once and for all, that obesity, disease, and general health must be attacked at the source – on the cellular level.

There’s only one problem.

This study is going to take 5 years to complete.

Also, it will cost over $50 million to recruit and track 3,000 people for 5 years.

Currently, funding has not been secured.[74]

Additionally, these AMPK-activating drugs are:

This got me thinking:

What naturally occurring compounds exist that could ALSO increase AMPK…and are available now?

I knew that there were compounds that studies have shown to work via similar pathways.

However – probably because this science is so new – no one had ever combined several of these AMPK boosting compounds before.

So I set out to create a true AMPK activating formula – one that was safe and effective. One that could be used by all Americans – not just the very rich.

And most importantly – one that people will NOT have to wait 5 or more years for.

For many months we tested dozens of nutrients, vitamins, and chemicals. Only a handful of these ingredients had any impact on AMPK, and even they fell short of my goals.

Then, I became aware of an ingredient called berberine.


Berberine are botanical alkaloids, found in the roots of rare plants like the Amur cork tree.[75][76]

I learned about berberine because it had been shown to have very positive results in two specific areas…fat loss and diabetes treatment.[77][78]

Obviously, this made me think: could berberine be activating AMPK?

Here at LCR Health, we immediately began to scour the research…including over 2,800 studies on berberine.

After analyzing all this data, we made an incredible discovery…

Not only did we discover that berberine conclusively activates AMPK[79]

Berberine is actually one of the most powerful AMPK activators ever studied![80]

According to David E. James, one of the world’s foremost authorities on berberine:
“The present data indicate that AMPK is a major intermediate in facilitating the beneficial effects of berberine. These effects are likely manifest both as short- and long-term effects.”

In fact, Berberine was found to produce rapid activation of AMPK in several cell lines in vitro![81]

And once we had berberine, the breakthroughs began coming fast and furious.

We stumbled onto a second AMPK-activator[82]… called


Gynostemma pentaphyllum is a distant relative of the cucumber, but does not yield fruit. It’s found mainly in Asia.[83]

However, we found that when the extract is synthesized from this plant, it had even GREATER benefits than berberine…particularly on the target of all my research: Deep Fat.[84]

In one landmark study, 200mg of gynostemma produced some staggering results in mice:

When I saw this, I was blown away…there was an almost immediate reduction of deep fat, liver weight, and abdominal fat lining!

It was like the AMPK-activator gynostemma had started “cleaning out” the dangerous deep fat that lurks under the sin and surrounds the organs.

But the results of gynostemma on HUMANS was even greater…

In a study of 80 obese people, gynostemma was found to reduce abdominal fat so much that users lost an average of over 3 inches around their waist…after just 12 weeks of gynostemma use![86]

At this point, we already felt we had a MAJOR health breakthrough on our hands…

But when we found a THIRD AMPK-activator…the most jaw-dropping ingredient of all…we knew we had a real game changer on our hands…

And before long, we’d found the exact proportions of these ingredients needed to create a powerful 3-pronged AMPK-activating formula…

A formula that finally fulfilled my goal…a health product designed to combat weight and deep fat on the cellular level.

The result, I believe, is the world’s greatest AMPK booster ever created. We’ve called it:


Active-PK is the first formula ever created that combines these 3 potent ingredients…and contains gynostemma, which I call the “deep fat destroyer”!

These ingredients work synergistically – meaning that combined, they have a far greater impact than each individual ingredient does by itself.

Up until now, getting these 3 compounds in a laboratory-grade quality that allows you to actually notice an effect was nearly impossible... however now you can get them all in one place!

And best of all, there is no need for injections…Active-PK is 100% ingestible.

Just two pills a day is all someone needs in order to experience the benefits of increased AMPK activation.

And to confirm the power of Active-PK, we did something else that most of these so-called “diet gurus” never do…we actually TESTED this formula on a group of actual users to measure the results.

We conducted user groups in 2016. Our hope was that we would start seeing user results within the first few months.

But what happened next surprised even us…

If you think the decline is because we’re deficient in something, think again. Because the truth is AMPK decline is linked to getting an excess of something, and in America, it’s very common:

People started feeling changes…within DAYS.

After just 2 weeks of using Active-PK, early users reported ALL of the following:

This was after just 2 weeks!* | *These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

And what truly amazed us was what happened when we tested our user group after one month.

You see, after 4 weeks of use, the results of Active-PK weren’t just as good…they had gotten EVEN MORE IMPRESSIVE:

In other words, these results weren’t temporary...the benefits went deeper with every single week of use!

When I saw these results, I was SHOCKED. This is, quite simply, the most powerful formula we’ve ever tested.

But it’s not just about data and numbers. Listen to what actual Active-PK users FEEL after 2 weeks of taking this breakthrough compound:

David K., Age 57, Brookfield, Wisconsin

“I am losing weight and working on losing belly fat, if I can keep losing 2 lbs a week (which is what I have been doing) I will reach my goal in a couple of months. I enjoy the energy I have now it truly gives me the feeling of being 10 years younger than I am.” *

**These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

Tamara Olson, Age 55, Blaine, Washington

“My enthusiasm is off the chart. My ability to work and exercise has easily tripled and I feel more confident and interested in achieving my goals. My libido is up. I can rebound every morning no matter how hard I worked the day before. I find it easier to make good food choices and not overeat. I feel improved on all levels I can think of. I feel like the better me. I feel kinder and more attentive to people. Please tell me there are no hidden drugs in this…it feels too good to be true.”*

**These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

David M., Age 52, Petaluma, California

“Active-PK is amazing.
This stuff is the best supplement I have ever taken.”*

**These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

When I read these comments…and the HUNDREDS of others that are already pouring in for this incredible new formula…it really makes me proud that we never gave up on finding a “cellular solution.”

The secret is in the unique blend of 3 Powerful Ingredients that have been proven to transform our health…and bodies!

I already told you about Berberine. The studies done on this plant extract are absolutely incredible:

In a 2009 study on rats, AMPK activation triggered by berberine caused substantial improvement in deep organ fat.[87]

This was followed in 2011 by a randomized controlled trial of 60 humans. By tracking numerous biomarkers, researchers found that 3 months of berberine didn’t just improve health…

But Active-PK is more than just berberine. Our formula also includes the most powerful “bioflavonoid” on the planet…the special 3rd ingredient I told you about:


Quercetin is found in plants and some foods, most notably onions and garlic…which is one reason doctors now believe those foods are so good for your health.[88][89]

But researchers now believe quercetin is involved in activating AMPK[90]…and that has led to some truly exceptional results.

In one very large study of 805 people aged 65-84 years, those with the highest quercetin and other flavonoid intake were 68% less likely to die from coronary heart disease than those with the lowest intake.[91]

A similar study found a reduction in death rates from all causes of 24% for men and 31% for women![92]

This study was conducted on 5100 people, for over 20 years…and as you can see, the results were profound.

If quercetin can improve people’s health in this way, the benefits for anyone taking it could be truly incredible.

It could mean more time to spend with the people we care about. More days, months, and years of precious memories. *These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

Imagine having an extra 10-12 healthy years to play with our kids and grandkids.
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

Imagine being able to live long enough to see the technology that the future holds. And living long enough to actually use the medical technology of the future…technology that no doubt will extend lifespan even more.
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

This is not a dream…it is obvious that every year, medical technology advances exponentially. For those lucky enough to be alive in the years to come, the health rewards could be endless.

Quercetin has also shown a powerful effect on reducing sickness.

In one 2007 study, a group of patients were given either quercetin or a placebo.

That year, 45% of the placebo patients got sick from an upper respiratory tract infection. But only 5% of the quercetin patients got sick![93]

That’s right…quercetin made people 9 times less likely to become sick from sinus infections and common colds.

Clearly, the power of AMPK – which I like to say “supercharges” every cell in your body -- produces an entire spectrum of physical benefits.

And when we combined Berberine and Quercetin with the “deep fat destroyer” I told you about, gynostemma, that’s when we really started to see amazing results:

The MAJORITY of users experienced:

If we can reduce belly fat and dreaded “deep fat,” this could be a monumental step forward in the way we combat obesity in America.

And it’s not just about appearance…I’m involved in this field to help people not just live better, but live LONGER.

Which is why I believe Active-PK is the most potent AMPK activator available…anywhere.

At this time I should point out that Active-PK is not for everyone.

For people that are severely under-weight, they may actually be suffering from a lack of robust fat cell size and therefore should not take Active-PK.

But for those that have noticed extra weight around the waist, less energy, and worst of all, a protruding belly… Active-PK was designed specifically to help with these issues.

And what makes it so different from any other health tool out there Active-PK is the first product ever created to fight “deep fat” AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL. Nobody has ever used these 3, high-tech AMPK activating ingredients to make people healthier AND look better.

Now, let me be very clear:

While the effects of berberine, quercetin, and gynostemma have been studied for years now, the discovery of how they boost AMPK activation is very recent.

As such, there is no conclusive evidence, as of now, that boosting AMPK can prevent, treat, or cure any type of disease whatsoever, nor would I ever claim that it does.

It's simply too soon to know.

In fact, by Federal law, no vitamin or supplement can claim to treat or cure any disease or illness. And I am making no such claims.

That being said, Dr. Gordon Lithgow, one of the world’s most famous geneticists, has said:

"If you target an aging process and you slow down aging then you slow down all the diseases and pathology of aging as well. That's revolutionary. That's never happened before.”[94]

The Telegraph, 2015

And renowned Yale professor Dr. Lawrence H. Young M.D. said this about his groundbreaking research into AMPK:

“AMPK is a critical regulator of cellular metabolism and plays an important role in diabetes, cancer, and vascular disease.”[95]

Dr. Lawrence H. Young – Yale School of Medicine

Just think…as early as 10 years ago, researchers barely understood what AMPK was and how it functioned.[96]

And for the past several years, the benefits of AMPK activation could only be experienced by scientists in labs like Yale and UCLA, with access to multi-million dollar machines.

Yet today – right now -- regular people like you and I have access to one of the most incredible medical discoveries in human history!

We are truly blessed.

And when I tell you that, I’m not just speaking as a doctor. I’m speaking from experience as a patient…because I also use Active-PK.

I’m 53 years old. And while some guys my age are slowing down, I’m literally in the best shape of my life. I lift more than I did when I was in college.*
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

I have more energy than I did twenty years ago. When I’m at work, I feel alert and clear-headed all day. *
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

And best of all, I have the energy and the motivation to spend my free time with my family and loved ones. I have two boys and a girl, ages 19, 17, and 16. *
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

It means the world to me that I can go on hikes, play sports, and stay involved with my children’s active lives, each and every day.*
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

And because my AMPK is activated at peak levels, I know I’ll continue to enjoy these days to the fullest for years and years to come.*
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

To me, feeling the way I do after I started to take Active PK is what makes life worth living.

And on that note, I, along with my colleagues here at LCR Health, would like to invite you to try Active-PK for yourself

When we are at the capacity to sell in stores, Active-PK will retail for $89.95 for a 30-Day supply.

… but because you’ve found this video presentation, we'd like to invite you to try Active-PK at a special rate for new customers only –

Because we want as many people as possible to try Active-PK and experience the benefits for themselves, we've decided that for those who purchase through this presentation only – and while supplies last -- to allow you to try Active-PK for just $46.99

You get an instant savings of over $40!

Again, this offer is only available to new customers who get Active-PK through this presentation, and for the next 24 hours, or while supplies last.

::: Update :::

Since Active-PK launched in February 2016, we are proud to be on track to sell over one million bottles.

According to our suppliers, Active-PK has become the most popular AMPK booster in America.


The reason is simple – our amazing customers.

Our users tell us time and time again, our formulation is the only one that gives results you can feel.

Because of this, 93% of people who try Active-PK want to keep taking it.

So as our way of saying THANK YOU for making us #1, we've created some special discount packages for you, so you can stock up, and save even more.

When you invest in a 3-bottle package of Active-PK today, you will pay only $39 per bottle

That's over HALF OFF the retail price and...we will even give you FREE SHIPPING!

And when you invest in a Family Pack of 6, you’ll save even more.

Our special bottling system has been designed to keep your Active-PK fresh for a minimum of one year on your shelf

So don't hesitate to stock up and save

However, because of the deep discounts we are offering, our multi-packs of Active-PK typically sell out much faster than our single bottles.

So click on the link below now, to see if they are still available

6 Month Supply6 Bottles

$36.00 per bottle

Save $323.00

Retail: $539.00

(This is a one time payment)

Add to Cart


Total Price: $216

3 Month Supply3 Bottles

$39.00 per bottle

Save $152.00

Retail: $269.00

(This is a one time payment)

Add to Cart


Total Price: $117

1 Month Supply1 Bottle

$46.99 per bottle

Save $42.00

Retail: $88.99

(This is a one time payment)

Add to Cart

$3.95 Shipping

Total Price: $46.99

Again, this offer is only available to new customers who get Active-PK through this presentation, and only while supplies last.

So if you are serious about your long-term health, it makes good sense to stock up now.

When this first batch is sold out, we will remove this offer and Active-PK will return to its regular price, moving forward.

Right now, you can pay just a few dollars a day to give yourself the gift of healthy, properly functioning AMPK levels that makes you look and feel great!*
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

People tell us they see and feel a difference within days... and wonder why they’ve never felt so good before!*
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

Imagine waking up with more energy...*
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

Imagine feeling like our bodies are fighting for us…*
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

Because our cellular function feels heightened – we feel stronger, more productive, and more creative*
*These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

That's what we designed Active-PK to do... oh and it's also why my wife and I don't ever let a day go by without taking it ourselves!

Many users report the real magic begins after 4-5 weeks. Because that’s when the body truly starts to reflect the impact of increased AMPK activation* | *These results are not typical. Your results can and will vary.

And no matter which package you buy, you are totally protected by our no-questions-asked, 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

We are so confident you will love Active-PK, and that you will feel noticeable improvements within just days of getting started... we'd like to invite you to take this Challenge:

Simply try Active-PK for 90 Days

If you don't notice you are feeling more energized, look better and experiencing clearer thinking and a stronger, healthier body... simply return the unused portion, and we will refund every cent of your money.

We'll even honor this Challenge if you return the empty bottles. We feel you need to give it at least a month to work its full range of magic... so we want you to use it all!

Here's how to get started:

When you click on your preferred option, you'll be taken to our Secure Server, which is 128-bit SSL Encrypted for your total security

If you see the Active-PK package options, that means we still have some in supply, and the deeply discounted package options are still available

Select the package that is right for you, and then fill out the shipping and payment information on the next page.

Your order will leave our distribution center within 24 hours – or sometimes on the same day.

Many ask me if there is a way to “jump start” the effects of Active-PK, and my answer is... it works quickly, all on its own!


People that regularly consume a “nutritional overload” of food, including sodas, sugars, or sweets...

Or that smoke, drink heavily, or are exposed to cleaning products or other toxins…

Studies show they may be damaging their AMPK levels even more, and I highly recommend they take 2 doses of Active-PK per day, for the first 30 days, to “load up” and restore your AMPK levels fast.

So choose your preferred option below, and let's get started.

6 Month Supply6 Bottles

$36.00 per bottle

Save $323.00

Retail: $539.00

(This is a one time payment)

Add to Cart


Total Price: $216

3 Month Supply3 Bottles

$39.00 per bottle

Save $152.00

Retail: $269.00

(This is a one time payment)

Add to Cart


Total Price: $117

1 Month Supply1 Bottle

$46.99 per bottle

Save $42.00

Retail: $88.99

(This is a one time payment)

Add to Cart

$3.95 Shipping

Total Price: $46.99

Remember, you must act quickly, as this new customer offer will not be around for long... so don't delay! There is no investment on the planet that gives you a bigger return than investing in your health.

Now before I let you go...
do me one last favor...

I want you to imagine what life will be like if we do nothing and simply let our AMPK levels decline.

The body will continue down the current path it is on.

And we don’t work to reverse the build up of deep fat…

And this fat isn’t just a problem with appearance…it’s actually dangerous

Worst of all, the consequences of this weight gain are not just about us…

It’s about family and loved ones.

The people who look to us, who rely on us, the people who would miss us if we were gone.

These are the people who matter most, and by not taking action we’re not only ignoring our own health…we’re also impacting the people we love.

I dread this just as much as anyone...

But now imagine this:

Instead of doing nothing, we take advantage of the incredible scientific breakthrough that our generation has access to.

We make one simple change:
We prevent the decline of AMPK in our cells.*

Imagine: Cells converting more fat into energy. And these cells stop storing fat around the belly.*

The midsection shrinks, and that would mean looking and feeling better.

Having the physical energy to keep up with younger friends and family. *

And having the motivation and confidence to pursue all the things we’ve dreamed of.*

Traveling to exciting places, picking up a new hobby, even starting a new business…and having the health, and confidence, to turn dreams into reality.*

And the amazing thing is, this isn’t impossible, or even hard to do. We’re blessed to live in a time where science has given all of us the power to improve our own cellular function.*

Your cells are yours; you’ve had them since birth; you own them, and you can work with them to stay young and healthy for years to come.*

But nobody can do it for us. If you we want to unleash our body’s full potential, we must act.

Click the link below to order Active-PK now...

Order Now

And be one of the first to experience the scientific breakthrough that has changed the way we view health…forever.

To your longevity,
Dr. Rand McClain | Chief Medical Officer
LCR Health

…Still here?

No problem…you’ve probably got questions, which is very common. In fact, here’s a few of the things my patients ask me most often about Active-PK:

Question: How many bottles should I order?

The average order for new customers is 3 bottles and that’s what we recommend to start. However, because we have many repeat custoers, we offer the 6 bottle package so you can take advantage of our best pricing.

Question: What's in Active-PK?

Active-PK contains berberine, quercetin, and gynostemma. These powerful ingredients have been shown to not only activate AMPK, but to activate a host of benefits for the body and overall health.

Question: How should I take Active-PK?

We recommend you take 2 capsules a day. To help stay consistent, we recommend making it a habit of taking Active-PK first thing in the morning. It is okay to take on an empty stomach. Our capsules are small and very easy to swallow. Everyone's body is different, and everyone has a different amount of fat in their cells when they begin taking Active-PK.

For that reason, it is very difficult to predict exactly when you will begin feeling results. I can tell you that many people feel a difference in their energy levels in just the first few days.

However, I usually suggest waiting 30 days for your AMPK threshold to increase to a point where you can begin seeing and feeling a difference.

Question: What if it doesn't work for me? Is there a guarantee?

We take your health seriously... which is why we've sourced only the purest and most potent forms of every ingredient that goes into Active-PK.

In the unlikely event that you don't experience a near-immediate improvement in your health, and the health and vitality of your entire body, we do offer you a 90 day no questions asked money back guarantee.

And the last question – “Can I buy Active-PK in stores?”

The answer to this one is no. We deliver Active-PK straight to you, the consumer, cutting out the middle man so you save money. And now, with our special new customer offer, you can get Active-PK at the lowest possible price. Best of all, when you get Active-PK through this offer, you'll be “grandfathered in” at this price, even if we have to raise costs in the future.

So what are you waiting for? Click on the button below, and place your order now. And let me be the first to welcome you to the LA-3 family, and congratulate you on this wise decision to invest in your new, healthier life!And let me be the first to welcome you to the Active-PK family, and congratulate you on this wise decision to invest in your new, healthier life!

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[85] Lee Y, Kim W, Kim K et al. Berberine, a Natural Plant Product, Activates AMP-Activated Protein Kinase With Beneficial Metabolic Effects in Diabetic and Insulin-Resistant States. Diabetes. 2006;55(8):2256-2264. doi:10.2337/db06-0006.
[86] Gauhar R, Hwang S, Jeong S et al. Heat-processed Gynostemma pentaphyllum extract improves obesity in ob/ob mice by activating AMP-activated protein kinase. Biotechnology Letters. 2012;34(9):1607-1616. doi:10.1007/s10529-012-0944-1.
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